Vitamin C with Flavonoids

SKU: 69374901248

Size: 90 capsules
Sale price$19.00


Vitamin C with flavonoids optimizes the beneficial effects of vitamin C – including support of immune function – by replicating the way it's found in nature.* Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a key antioxidant, helping protect cells throughout the body from free radical damage.* It plays an integral role in the production of cellular energy, and is essential for the proper metabolism of carbohydrates and the synthesis of fats and proteins.* 

Thorne's Vitamin C with Flavonoids contains ascorbic acid and citrus flavonoids. The flavonoids are a mixture of naturally-occurring flavonoids, including rutin, hesperidin, and quercetin. And there is no corn starch contained in this supplement. Although ascorbic acid will work in the body without flavonoids, it works better when accompanied by flavonoid molecules, because the bioflavonoids spare vitamin C, thus providing greater antioxidant capacity.*


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